9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Adapting the Ab-Initio IMSRG for Open-Shell Atomic Systems

10 Feb 2021, 13:45
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Nuclear Structure


Gaurav Tenkila (University of British Columbia)


The nuclear charge distribution and nuclear magnetic moment modify the Coulomb potential in atoms, resulting in shifts in the electronic levels. Thus, atomic spectroscopy provides a way to probe nuclear structure. These measurements, however, require precise calculations of isotope shift factors and hyperfine constants. The IMSRG is an ab-initio technique, successfully used in nuclei, that evolves a many-body Hamiltonian using continuous unitary transformations. I will present a new application of the IMSRG to atomic systems for calculating spectra and isotope shift factors. I will discuss first results and the current status of these calculations as well as what we hope to achieve moving forward.

email address tsgaurav@gmail.com
Please select: Experiment or Theory Theory

Primary author

Gaurav Tenkila (University of British Columbia)

Presentation Materials

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