WNPPC2021 Abstract Booklet PDF
The 58th Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference is a national meeting for the Canadian subatomic physics community, with a special focus on providing a forum for junior researchers (students and postdocs) and interaction with groups across Canada. The 2021 meeting is being organised by University of McGill, Chairperson Thomas Brunner, and as usual will feature sessions focusing on the research areas of interest to the Canadian community (both experimental and theoretical). There will be a number of invited talks by experts in:
Electroweak and Higgs physics
Neutrino properties
QCD and hadrons
Physics beyond the Standard Model
Nuclear structure
Nuclear and particle astrophysics.
Our invited speaker are:
- Nahee Park, Queen’s University
- Joseph Bramante, Queen’s University
- Matthias Danninger, Simon Fraser University
- Dennis Muecher, University of Guelph
- Erica Caden, SNOLAB
- Juan Pablo Yáñez, University of Alberta
Participants are asked to submit their abstract on this page and also register at TRIUMF's on-line registration system.
For general information and a list of sponsors please visit the WNPPC conference webpage.