9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Searching for Low-Energy Shape Coexistence in $^{80}$Ge

10 Feb 2021, 12:30
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Nuclear Structure


Ms Fatima H. Garcia (Simon Fraser University)


Study of nuclear structure around the magic numbers is key to understanding the chart of nuclei. The region around $^{78}$Ni is of interest, not only because it is one of the heavier doubly magic nuclei, but also because it has been proposed as a portal to the fifth island of inversion [Nowacki, F. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 272501]. Evidence for low-lying shape coexistence near N=40 has been observed, but, until recently, no evidence of low-lying $0_{2}^{+}$ states in the Ge isotopes near N=50 had be reported. An experiment at the ALTO facility identified a $0_{2}^{+}$ state at 639 keV above the $0^{+}$ ground state in $^{80}$Ge [Gottardo, A. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 182501]. However, $\beta$-decay studies using the GRIFFIN facility at TRIUMF, show no evidence for this state. Furthermore, the decay of a proposed (2$^{+}$) 2403-keV state to the $0^{+}_{2}$ 639-keV state was not observed, nor was there other evidence for this state. Large-scale shell model calculations were performed, using two different valence spaces and interactions, for $^{78,80,82}$Ge. These calculations were able to reproduce the energies of known $0_{2}^{+}$, $2_{1,2}^{+}$ and $4_{1}^{+}$ levels in these Ge isotopes. The $0_{2}^{+}$ state in $^{80}$Ge is predicted to be near 2 MeV and arises from the recoupling of valence particles. The search for this state, will be described, and the recently published findings [Garcia, F.H. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 172501] will be presented.

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email address fatimag@sfu.ca

Primary author

Ms Fatima H. Garcia (Simon Fraser University)


Presentation Materials

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