9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Astrophysical tau Neutrinos in the Pacific Ocean

10 Feb 2021, 12:00
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics


Akanksha Katil (University of Waterloo)


The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Explorer (P-ONE) is a planned large-scale Cherenkov neutrino detector to be deployed in Cascadia Basin, close to Vancouver Island. This detector will join a worldwide network of neutrino telescopes and holds exciting possibilities of bringing us a step closer to true neutrino astronomy as well as unravelling new physics. High energy tau neutrinos, above energies of 50 TeV, is one exciting channel that P-ONE could access. These neutrinos must have an astrophysical origin and could be used to independently confirm the flux previously observed by IceCube, the largest neutrino telescope in operation, as well as verify neutrino mixing over cosmic distances. This study is a first attempt at developing a method to detect tau neutrinos in P-ONE.

email address akatil@uwaterloo.ca
Please select: Experiment or Theory Experiment

Primary author

Akanksha Katil (University of Waterloo)

Presentation Materials

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