9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Search for String Resonances in ATLAS

9 Feb 2021, 16:30
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Physics Beyond the Standard Model


Ms Fairhurst Lyons (University of Alberta)


Some string theories predict that the extra dimensions of space must be large. In this scenario the energy scale of strings is on the order of TeV and string resonances can be produced in proton-proton collisions. This makes the theory a good candidate for investigation at the Large Hadron Collider. Using the cross sections of string resonances we can simulate particle interactions and compare results to data collected by the ATLAS detector. We generate events at several string scales and study the significance of signals over QCD background in the dijet invariant mass distribution. We search resonant for deviations from smooth background and set lower limits on string scale.

Please select: Experiment or Theory Experiment
email address rflyons@ualberta.ca

Primary author

Ms Fairhurst Lyons (University of Alberta)

Presentation Materials

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