9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Light Dark Photon Detection with Atomic Transitions

9 Feb 2021, 16:00
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Physics Beyond the Standard Model


Ningqiang Song (Queen's University)


We propose to improve light-shining-through-wall setup by employing macro coherent super radiance on the detection side. Parahydrogen molecules are pumped to their first excited states by counter-propagating laser beams. The background dark photon field will interact with the parahydrogen and trigger the collective deexcitation of the atomic system, resulting in a nonlinear amplification of the two-photon emission process called superradiance. With the superradiant amplification the current bound on sub-meV mass dark photon can be advanced by orders of magnitude.

email address ningqiang.song@queensu.ca
Please select: Experiment or Theory Theory

Primary authors

Prof. Joseph Bramante (Queen's University) Ningqiang Song (Queen's University)

Presentation Materials

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