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Scientific Program

Click HERE for pdf version (updated on July 15, 2019).


MONDAY July 15, 2019

6:00-6:30pm: Registration

6:30pm: Welcome Reception @ Thomson House

TUESDAY July 16, 2019

8:30-9:00am: Registration

9:00-9:10am: Welcome Address

Chair: Iain Moore

9:10-9:40am: Dave Lunney (CNRS) - Reviewing the success of radioactive-ion manipulation with RFQ traps and recalling the contributions from McGill

9:40-10:10am: Ilkka Pohjalainen (U of Jyväskylä) - Actinide beams by light-ion induced fusion-evaporation for mass-, decay- and optical spectroscopy at IGISO

10:10-10:40am: Paul Constantin (ELI-NP) - The ELI-IGISOL radioactive ion beam facility at ELI-NP

10:40-11:10am: Coffee Break

Chair: Julia Even

11:10-11:30am: Ben Jones (UT Arlington) - Barium Tagging in High Pressure Xenon Gas

11:30am-12:00pm: Katherine Woodruff (UT Arlington) - Barium Ion Transport in High Pressure Xenon Gas using RF Carpets

12:00-2:00pm: Lunch

Chair: Pascal Reiter

2:00-2:30pm: Mustapha Laatiaoui (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) - Laser Resonance Chromatography (LRC): A new methodology in superheavy element research

2:30-2:50pm: Minori Tajima (RIKEN) - Development of offline ion source for collinear laser spectroscopy at the SLOWRI facility in RIKEN

2:50-3:20pm: Coffee Break

Chair: Ben Jones

3:20-3:50pm: Julia Even (U of Groningen) - The CISe project

3:50-4:10pm: Christopher Chambers (McGill University) - Single Barium Atom Detection in Solid Xenon for the nEXO Experiment

4:10-4:30pm: Group Photo

4:30pm: Adjourn

WEDNESDAY July 17, 2019

8:50-9:10am: Registration

Chair: Dave Lunney

9:10-9:40am: Pascal Reiter (JLU, TRIUMF) - First application of mass selective re-trapping enables mass measurements of neutron-deficient Yb and Tm isotopes despite strong isobaric background

9:40-10:10am: Yongsheng Wang (IMP/CAS) - Design, optimization and commission of a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass analyzer at IMP/CAS

10:10-10:40am: Simon Sels (CERN) - MIRACLS: A Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy

10:40-11:10am: Coffee Break

Chair: Alexandra Zadvornaya

11:10-11:30am: Daniel Burdette (Notre Dame) - Status of St. Benedict at the Nuclear Science Laboratory

11:30-11:50am: Meriem Benali (GANIL) - MORA project and optimization of transparent ion trap geometry

11:50am: Adjourn (Afternoon Free)

THURSDAY July 18, 2019

8:50-9:10am: Registration

Chair: Guy Savard

9:10-9:40am: Ivan Miskun (JLU Giessen) - Recent results from the FRS Ion Catcher

9:40-10:10am: Kasey Lund (NSCL/MSU) - The Advanced Cryogenic Gas Stopper at NSCL - Progress towards Operations

10:10-10:40am: Ryan Ringle (NSCL/MSU) - Particle-in-Cell Simulations for Studies of Space Charge Effects in Ion Trap

10:40-11:10am: Coffee Break

Chair: Katherine Woodruff

11:10-11:40am: Oliver Kaleja (GSI) - Efficient Ion Thermalization and Mass Spectrometry of (Super-)Heavy Elements at SHIPTRAP

11:40am-12:00pm: Dwaipayan Ray (U of Manitoba) - Addressing the systematics in phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance measurements at the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer

12:00-2:00pm: Lunch

Chair: Peter Schury

2:00-2:30pm: Alexandra Zadvornaya (U of of Jyvaskylä) - Characterization of supersonic jets for in-gas-jet laser ionization spectroscopy at the IGLIS laboratory and of gas flow inside the ion guide at the IGISOL-4 facility

2:30-2:50pm: Tim Ratajczyk (TU Darmstadt) - Development of a New Laser Ablation Ion Source

2:50-3:10pm: So Sato (Rikkyo University, RIKEN) - Improvement of a dc-to-pulse conversion efficiency of FRAC

3:10-3:40pm: Coffee Break

Chair: Ryan Ringle

3:40-4:00pm: Brad Schultz (TRIUMF) - Status of the radiofrequency quadrupole cooler/buncher at TRIUMF-CANREB

4:00-4:20pm: Chris Charles (TRIUMF) - Simulation vs. Performance of the TRIUMF CANREB RFQ Cooler-Buncher

4:20pm: Adjourn (Free Time and go to banquet location)

6:30pm: Conference Dinner @ L'Auberge Saint-Gabriel

FRIDAY July 19, 2019

Chair: Michael Block

9:10-9:40am: Yutaka Watanabe (KEK WNSC) - Recent experimental results of KEK Isotope Separation System (KISS)

9:40-10:10am: Peter Schury (KEK WNSC) - Present status and future plans for slow and stopped beams in RIKEN

10:10-10:40am: Adrian Valverde (ANL) - The N=126 factory at Argonne National Laboratory

10:40-11:10am: Coffee Break

Chair: Wolfgang Plass

11:10-11:40am: Israel Mardor (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) - On the way to a world-competitive fission fragment facility at SARAF

11:40am-12:00pm: Iain Moore (U of Jyväskylä) - Overview of progress at SMI-2019

12:00-12:10pm: Concluding Remarks

12:10pm: Conference Ends

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