9-12 February 2021
Virtual Meeting
America/Toronto timezone

Advancing Dark Matter Theory with Black Holes, Exploding Compact Stars, Supercool Gas, and Underground Detectors

11 Feb 2021, 11:00
Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting


Prof. Joseph Bramante (Queen's University)


Recent theoretical investigation continues to suggest that dark matter could be either a supermassive or superlight particle. Discovering dark matter at these mass extremes requires radical new approaches. I will survey some fascinating developments, including dark matter that forms black holes in the sun and Earth, dark matter that would make old white dwarfs explode, supermassive dark matter detected through its fusion of nuclei in Antarctic ice, and ultralight photon-mixed dark matter heating supercold gas clouds near the center of the Milky Way.

email address joseph.bramante@queensu.ca
Please select: Experiment or Theory Theory

Primary author

Prof. Joseph Bramante (Queen's University)

Presentation Materials

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